Erectile function


Over The Counter ED Pills Become Reality

Viagra and other ED pills to retail OTC

Viagra becomes prescription-free and probably more expensive in many countries of the world – this is a tendency that started in 2018 with New Zealand and was followed by the UK and Norway. Will the trend hold up in 2020? Is it a good thing that over the counter ED pills become a palpable reality?

A whole new type of prescription class evolves where the customer gets mandatory guidance at the pharmacy upon purchase. This should reduce the risk of misuse and side effects. By taking a prescription drug, you will no longer need go through the doctor before picking up the drug at the pharmacy. It should make it easier to take care of one’s own health. In addition, it can relieve the regular doctors and better utilize the expertise of the pharmacists.

If you need medicine in this scheme, you should not go to the doctor for a prescription, but can go straight to the pharmacy. There one must get mandatory guidance and fill out a checklist on own health. If someone has had a heart attack or stroke for the past six months, they are told to talk to the doctor before using the pills. This can make it easier for people to obtain certain medicines, and improve access and make it easier for people who refuse to go to a doctor.

When the patient has received something at the pharmacy that the doctor did not know of, they can prescribe medication that conflicts with what the patient has received anonymously at the pharmacy. Both antibiotics and tablets for acid disorders can lead to severe side effects of Viagra, the specialist point out.

Another downside of this practice is that it increases the cost of brand medications. It is the initiative of the drug manufacturers to release Viagra without presctiption, and they also increase the unit price to make it less available for recreational use.

Viagra OTC, or Viagra Connect is a non-prescription drug that increases blood supply to the penis and makes it easier to get an erection when you are excited. The medicine is used for impotence, a condition where it is difficult to get or maintain an erection hard enough to have sex. Impotence is a common condition, and studies have shown that drugs such as Viagra provide improved erection in 70% of adult men.

Extra guidance ensures safe use

OTC ED drugs can be used by many men, but not all. You should be absolutely sure that you do not have any diseases or use other medicines that go badly with Viagra and its analogs – Cialis and Levitra. If you want to buy Viagra without prescription, a pharmacist will explain how to use the medicine and go through some questions with you. If you are unsure whether you can use medicines of this type, we recommend that you consult your doctor.

1 tablet of your ED drug of choice is swallowed with 1 glass of water 30-60 minutes before the expected intercourse (possibly up to 4 hours before having sex). You should not take more than 1 tablet daily. The medicine can be taken both with and without food, but if the food contains a lot of fat it may take longer before you get the effect.

These drugs can help you get an erection, but it does not treat the very reason you are having erection problems. We therefore recommend that you contact your GP within 6 months of starting the medicine. Your doctor can find out what is wrong and start treatment that can help. There are many reasons why men experience erection problems, including stress, smoking, obesity, side effects of some drugs, drugs, and diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

Is It dangerous to use ED pills without prescription?

The drugs used to treat male impotence should be used wisely, and if you are not having trouble getting an erection, we do not recommend you to try. Here are three good reasons why:

ED pills without prescription

You may have unpleasant side effects. The active ingredient, sildenafil, works by widening blood vessels in the penis. This makes it easier to get an erection, but can also cause blood pressure drops or other side effects such as headaches, dizziness, visual disturbances, redness, upper abdominal discomfort and nasal congestion.

You can become psychologically “addicted”. Some people believe, or may begin to believe, that they need medicines like Viagra to perform well enough sexually, even if they really don’t.

It costs a lot of money. Viagra and its analogs are undoubtedly a very useful medicine for men who are having erection problems, but if you don’t really need it it will just be an unnecessary cost.

Is there something I need to watch out for when using ED drugs OTC?

Viagra, Cialis or Levitra should not be taken with grapefruit or grapefruit juice. Concomitant use can cause severe hypotension. Alcohol can make erection more difficult. Therefore, to get the maximum effect of the medicine, it is recommended not to drink large quantities of alcohol before taking ED drugs. They should not be combined with other medicines for erectile dysfunction except in consultation with a doctor.

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