Men’s diseases
Average Testicle Size, What Is It And How Does It Matter?
Today we will talk about what the normal size of the testicles should be and how to evaluate it through some simple tests that also include a pleasant testicle massage.
These tests can be done comfortably on your own.
What does the testicles dimension depend on? Is it possible to increase the size, weight or volume of the testicles? Let’s be clear.
The size of the testicles cannot change in an absolute sense but can increase considerably when the testicles are small due to a problem, this problem can be solved. Furthermore, when a man is able to recover a full male health, optimizing his hormonal profile with adequate nutrition, pro-testosterone training and a healthy lifestyle, the testicles will also benefit. Thus they will produce more androgenic hormones (DHT), more sperm and consequently increase their size up to what should be the “normal” dimension.
However, to avoid making unrealizable results dream, we must say that it is not possible to go beyond what is the measure that Nature has decided for us. Genetics is not controlled. In fact, some men are at a disadvantage. They were subjected to a low amount of testosterone when they were in the womb and as a result have a less masculine profile than others.
The fact is that the masculinity of an individual is determined in large part precisely in the womb and exposure to testosterone in this phase is crucial for some masculine characteristics: the amount of facial hair (beard), the tone of the voice, the size of the Adam’s apple and testicles.
There is a very simple test that allows us to understand whether the size of our testicles is “final” or not.
Masculinity test 1: The Digit-Ratio
The test is very simple:
- Put your right hand open in front of the face with your fingers aligned
- Observe the length of the index and ring fingers
- Which of these is longer?
- A) If your ring finger is longer than the index, it means that you have been exposed to more testosterone in the womb.
- B) If your ring finger is the same or shorter than the index finger it means that unfortunately the exposure to androgens has not been so massive.
In principle, the longer the ring finger is longer than the index (case A), the greater the “potential” masculinity of a man. This means that a man with these characteristics should have bigger testicles and penises and larger amounts of circulating androgens (testosterone and DHT).
Test 2 for the size and functionality of the testicles
After this “philosophical” digression I go back to talking about the health and size of our precious testicles proposing another couple of tests that I consider very useful to ensure that our “jewels” are always in full health.
Test number 2 – The spoon test
This test is based on the ejaculatory capacity, that is on the quantity of sperm that our testicles are able to produce and is sufficiently simple and practical to be easily performed by every man.
- If you are able to fill an entire teaspoon yourself and the consistency of the sperm is thick, pasty and homogeneous… result A
- If you are able to fill an entire teaspoon but the consistency of the sperm is thin and watery… result B
- If you are NOT able to fill an entire teaspoon but the consistency of the sperm is thick, pasty and homogeneous… result C
- If you are NOT able to fill an entire teaspoon and the consistency of the sperm is thin and watery… result D
- If you can’t fill even a third of a teaspoon… result E
A is the result we should normally achieve. F is the result we should hope to never get.
Posted in Men’s diseases
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