Most Common Symptom Of Menopause And Its Management

The fertile period of the woman begins with puberty and ends with menopause, that is with the interruption of menstruation, which usually occurs between 48 and 55 years. However, the disappearance of the cycle is not sudden, in fact it is preceded by a long transitional phase called climacteric, with a variable duration of 5-10 years, during which most of the disorders accused by many women occur, such as the flushing of heat, vaginal dryness, insomnia and irritability. However, there are pharmacological and natural remedies that can alleviate these problems and restore serenity and well-being.

Although not a disease, climacteric and menopause are often characterized by a series of symptoms and disorders; we are talking about a climacteric / menopause syndrome. The most common symptom? Surely the hot flashes – a recurrent, transient symptom of redness, sweating and a sensation of heat often accompanied by palpitations and a sense of anxiety – night sweats, dizziness, mood swings and vaginal dryness, due to the fact that estrogen they “nourish”, hydrate the urogenital apparatus during their reproductive life and their absence determines a progressive involution process.

There are also other manifestations, more or less frequent and marked, which can be a consequence of the progressive depletion of hormone production, such as headache, apathy, nervousness, insomnia, increased body weight and a greater risk of osteoporosis. It is a difficult but physiological phase of every woman.

Hormone replacement therapy (TOS or HRT) is one of the ways to tackle premenopausal and menopause-related disorders, although it is still a much discussed choice as it is often accompanied by side effects and an increased, albeit modest, risk of cancer breast cancer, gallbladder disease, dementia, deep vein thrombosis and stroke. It should be noted that these risks double if you are a smoker!

It is a pharmacological treatment based on hormones, estrogens alone or associated with progestins, normally produced by the female organism, in particular by the ovaries. The concrete indication and the need for hormonal administration should in any case be agreed with the gynecologist, without forgetting the transitory benefits of this therapy, as symptoms often reappear when treatment is stopped.

Hormone replacement therapy is available in the form of pills, patches, gel to be applied to the skin or as a nasal spray. In the event that the symptoms consist only of vaginal disorders it is preferable to focus on products for local use.

In any case the choice of the pill, the plaster, the gel or the spray or a combination of several products must be made together with the doctor, after a careful evaluation of the general clinical situation and of one’s particular preferences or needs.

The natural remedies for menopausal disorders are many and allow relief to be found from those annoying symptoms, such as hot flashes, nervousness, migraine and insomnia, without necessarily resorting to taking hormones.

Among the most widespread there are the red clover, used especially against the annoyances associated with hot flashes, the gel extracted from aloe vera, against dry skin and hair, red fruits in general, rich in antioxidants, which allow to fight the effects of cellular aging preserving muscle tone and that of the sexual organs, plant estrogens contained in soy, dairy products in general, which are rich in calcium and, therefore, help to counteract the damage caused by osteoporosis, and rich foods of vitamin D, essential for fixing calcium in the body.

Dry Skin In Menopause? This Is What Can Be Done To Avoid It

Menopause is a phase of life in which many changes occur, and those changes can lead to a series of disorders and annoyances that must be dealt with. Even the skin suffers, more than you can imagine. We are not just talking about wrinkles and aging, but about lack of hydration. In fact, dry menopausal skin is one of the signs that our body sends us because something is changing. But why does it happen and what tricks can we take to avoid it?

Causes of dry skin in climacteric and menopause

The causes of dry menopausal skin are the same as all the other changes typical of this period: the reduction of estrogen and, in part, a physiological dehydration typical of aging. In fact, between the ages of 40 and 55, the production of estrogens drops, the menstrual cycle disappears, and a series of effects linked to the lack of estrogens occur.

Estrogens, the main female sex hormones, perform a series of functions in the body, including that of stimulating the formation of collagen and sebum, promoting skin hydration and counteracting free radicals that accelerate cellular agin. In menopause, therefore, the skin becomes thinner, less elastic, dry, and its processes of renewal and healing slow down.

With regard to dehydration associated with aging, on the other hand, it is a physiological phenomenon linked to the fact that as age advances we tend to lose more fluids and, at the same time, feel less the stimulus of thirst. Among the typical symptoms of menopause, dry skin is certainly one of the most easily managed, bringing some changes to the lifestyle, nutrition and hygienic and cosmetic treatments we dedicate to the skin.

What to do for dry menopausal skin

To keep the skin hydrated in menopause, obviously, it is imperative to satisfy the daily water requirement by introducing 1.5-2 liters of water per day (6-8 glasses of water), not forgetting that we also take water with food and, above all, with fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables, on the other hand, also contain antioxidant substances, vitamins and minerals useful for combating cell aging.

The choice of soaps helps to counteract the dryness of the skin, opting for delicate detergents enriched with emollient and moisturizing substances. It is also necessary to get used to using water at the right temperature and for the right time, avoiding too hot water and too long showers because the natural hydro-lipid film of the skin (the protective oily layer) is excessively removed.

The hydrolipidic film performs an important function of protection from external agents that contribute to making the skin dry, and to preserve it it is good to use daily creams suitable for the type of skin. The skin, in fact, is exposed to cold, heat, dry air and UV rays at all ages, but these factors that influence the degree of hydration can further worsen the situation during menopause.

Changing your lifestyle is equally important, so it is good to give up smoking and reduce alcohol consumption and exercise, followed by a good reintegration of lost fluids. Physical activity is essential to reduce the risk of osteoporosis and maintain good health in the muscles, heart and blood vessels, as well as to improve skin health through better oxygenation.

In addition to dry, premenopausal and menopause skin, other skin problems can also develop, such as acne and the more or less frequent appearance of pimples. Also in this case the reason lies in the hormonal imbalance typical of this period, and the consultation of the dermatologist to resolve some situations may be appropriate.

Advice And Taboos To Dispel For A Satisfying Sex Life After Menopause

It is true that in menopause libido can have a decrease. But sexual response largely depends on stimuli that come from the brain and hormones are just one of several factors that contribute to a woman’s normal sexual function. The decrease in desire in women and men at all ages is not due to a certain hormonal level, but rather to a decrease in falling in love, the pressure of other concerns, stress, psychological factors and conflicts with the partner.

Poor female sexual satisfaction is associated above all with a lack of self-esteem, with emotional or body discomforts, with unsatisfactory interpersonal relationships, all difficulties that menopause can bring out or exacerbate. But this does not mean that the drop in libido and the end of sexual satisfaction is inevitable, nor that it should access all of them. To avoid it, we must above all change our approach.

The vision of sexuality has changed thanks to very strong socio-cultural changes: among them the extension of life with a consequent redefinition of sexuality – and the ability to procreate, with assisted fertilization, even outside the biological age. Furthermore, the recognition of female pleasure that is achievable at any age with drugs like Addyi (flibanserin), Female Viagra (sildenafil) and others is a very recent achievement.

But in order for it to be real and sexuality to be satisfying and rich even in maturity, it is necessary to change the point of view, and to start considering menopause not as a disease or a misfortune, not as the end of femininity, but as a change at both physical and emotional levels, which can have many pleasant surprises. The moment in which, instead of continuing to regret youth, one continues to dream, to want to make discoveries and to get excited through sex and the relationship with the partner, this becomes possible.

The only physical factors that can negatively influence sexuality are a certain lack of muscle tone of the genital system due to the relaxation of the tissues, which can however be prevented and reduced by training the pelvic muscles with the famous Kegel exercises, and the poor lubrication that can be mitigated simply with the use of a lubricant.

If you want menopause to have a lesser if not positive impact on your life and sexuality as a woman, special attention must be paid. To diet and control weight, to take a correct intake of soy isoflavones (i.e. phytoestrogens, which mitigate the most unpleasant symptoms) and vitamins A, C and E. through nutrition or supplements. vitamin E, B6, B12 and folic acid with protective function, vitamin D, calcium, zinc and magnesium: all important for bone health. It is also important to combine physical activity: a 30-minute daily walk is enough. And sex, obviously: it does a lot of good, both to the body and the mood!

The clitoris does not undergo changes in menopause. Indeed, in older women there may even be a slight hypertrophy due to the prevalence of the hormonal activity of the adrenal gland, and the desire could even increase due to the disappearance of the antagonistic function of estrogen against androgens.

Being in the arms of Morpheus for at least 7-8 hours per night increases the likelihood of being satisfied with one’s sex life. The overseas researchers led by Juliana Kling of the Mayo Clinic of Scottsdale, Arizona, say from the pages of Menopause magazine, who came to this conclusion after analyzing the data of about 94 thousand women aged between 50 and 79 years.